Job Automation

It enables to automate variety of AWS key opreations such as backup,
instance start/stop, and etc...
Also, it provides actions towards variety of resources other than EC2,
such as RDS start/stop, EBS snapshot creation, and etc...

Free trial for 1 month
* Please note that "Config Review"
feature is not included for this 1 month free trial

Job Automation Use Cases

By using Job Automation in Cloud Automator, you will be able to automate various type of operations.
It supports your business from "Lowering operation work load", "Cost reduction", and "Coordination with other systems".

Example 01

Automate periodical backup operation

By using Cloud Automator, you can automate operations which needs to be done routinely.
For example, periodically create EBS snapshots and keep those upto 50 generations.
This gives you the freedom to restore at anytime with designated generation.
Also, you can designate duration of the operation, which provides more detailed settings than Amazon DLM. 

Example 02

Save cost by stopping instances for development environment when it's not working hour.

By using Cloud Automator, you can start/stop EC2 instances based on your configurated schedule.
With this feature, you can stop servers outside business hours which leads to huge cost savings.

Example 03

Coordinate with existing Monitoring-Operation systems

Using Cloud Automator "HTTP Trigger" and "SQS Trigger", the existing operation systems such as RunBookAutomation tool, Zabbix, and Datadog, etc.. can automate AWS resource modifications and operations based on monitoring results.

Type of execution conditions (Triggers) and type of operations (Actions)

by slecting execution conditions (Triggers) and operations (Actions), you can automate the operation quickly and easily. Also, by combining multiple jobs (configured operations), you can execute multipe jobs automatically without human intervene.

Execution condition (Trigger)

Timer setting

  • On demand execution
  • Designate date and time (one time execution)
  • Designate time (execute daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Designate multi-day


  • SQS message execution
  • SNS message execution
  • HTTP request execution

Type of Operation (AWS Action)


  • Instance Start/Stop
  • All Instances Stop
  • Instance type change
  • Send command on instance
  • Windows Update to Instance
  • Backup instances


  • AMI creation
  • AMI copy across regions
  • Delete old AMIs and Snapshots


  • Create EBS snapshot
  • EBS snapshot copy across regions


  • Register/Deregister Instance to Load balancer


  • Register/Deregister EC2 instances to target group


  • Invoke function


  • ECS: run task(Fargate)
  • ECS: stop task

Security group

  • Authorize / revoke security group ingress


  • DB instance start/stop
  • DB instance reboot/delete
  • DB snapshot create
  • DB snapshot across regions
  • Restore from DB snapshot
  • Change DB instance class
  • Backup DB instance

RDS (Aurora)

  • DB cluster start/stop
  • Delete DB cluster
  • Create DB cluster snapshot
  • Restore from DB cluster snapshot
  • Change DB cluster class
  • Delete old DB cluster snapshots

Route 53

  • Update resource record set


  • Delete cluster
  • Create cluster snapshot
  • Restore from snapshot


  • table bucket


  • Backup bucket


  • Backup filesystem


  • Create a backup


  • Attach/detach policy to IAM user


  • Start WorkSpace
  • Reboot WorkSpace
  • Remove WorkSpace
  • Rebuild WorkSpace

Type of Operation (Google Cloud / Other Action)

Compute Engine

  • Start VM instance
  • Stop VM instance
  • Create machine image


  • Delay for the specified time

Benefit of using Cloud Automator

When you automate AWS operations without Cloud Automator, you need following work.

Work required at implementation phase

Establish environment for Automation

You need to prepare an environment which you run automation programs

Learning AWS API/SDK

You need to understand AWS API and SDK.
Also, you need to have deep undersanding over API characteristics

Development/Testing for Automation system

You need to work on programing as well as testing for Automation program

Design the program with Error handling in mind

You need to consider and utilize re-try and notification mechanism based on the situation when error happnes.

Coordination with other monitoring systems

You need to consider how to coordinate with existing monitorign system and others...

Work required during Operation phoase

Continous update based on AWS new feature and updates

AWS always come up with new features and/or updates and you need to cope with such changes.

Periodical version up on programming language as well as SDK

You need to cope with programming language, library and AWS SDK version-up.

Log Retention

You need to sufficiently keep logs generated during automation processes.

Ensuring security level for Automation system

You need to ensure the security level for automation system itself.

Monitor automation system

You need to monitor automation system behavor and provide troubleshooting when problem happens.

Cloud Automator releases you from those pain points and let you focus on your core business role.

Question/request for implementation