
Please select based on your needs.

$240/ month
# of users
up-to 10users
# of group setting
up-to 10groups
# of jobs execution
Up-to 200times
Config review price
$5 per policy
Not available
$480/ month
# of users
up-to 50users
# of group setting
up-to 50groups
# of jobs execution
Up-to 1,000times
Config review price
$5 per policy
$1,480/ month
# of users
up-to 100users
# of group setting
up-to 100groups
# of jobs execution
Up-to 5,000times
Config review price
$5 per policy

# of users/# of groups

There is a limit for # of users who can use the service as well as # of groups which you can create, based on the service plan.

User:It refers to # of log-in account and you can create multiple users based on selected service plan
You can create group and manage AWS authentication information as well as users by such group

# of jobs execution

There is an limit on # of jobs execution based on selected service plan
As an defaul setting, the jobs will not execute once you reach to limit. However, you can configure to allow to execute jobs after you reach to the limit.
When executing jobs beyond service plan limit, following additional charge will apply.

For "Professional" : $0.80 / job execution
For "Business" : $0.50 / job execution
For "Enterprise" : $0.25 / job execution

Config review price

Config review pricing is based on pay-as-use basis
$5/month per each policy (each configuration check item)
We will calculate the charge based on # of plicies used during that month and charge such amount in following month


Inventory feature can be used when you select "Business" or "Enterprise" service plan. (You can't use it when you subscribe "Professional" plan)
There is no additional charges based on # of times you use this feature.

How to select service plan

Case 1 You want to take daily back-up for 4 x EC2 instances and 1 x DB instance for production environment. Also, in order to save cost, you want to automate start/stop 2 x EC2 instances for development purpose.

Production environment

A4 (EC2 instances) x 1 (back-up/day) x 30 (days)
= 120 times
B1 (DB instance) x 1 (back-up/day) x 30 (days)
= 30 times

Development environment

C2 (EC2 instances) x 1 (start/day) x 22 (days)
= 44 times
D2 (EC2 instances) x 1 (stop/day) x 22 (days)
= 44 times
Total # of job executions
238 times
Recommend to subscribe to
"Professional" plan + additional charge

Recommended use

  1. ASetup schedule + EC2 : Create AMI
  2. BSetup schedule + RDS : Create DB snapshot
Cost reduction
  1. CSetup schedule + EC2 : start instance
  2. DSetup schedule + EC2 : stop instance

Case 2 Considering to cope with DR and to take backup from 15 x EC2 instances in production environment but we don't know how we can do this...

Production environment

A15 (EC2 instances) x 30 (days)
= 450 times
B15 (AMI) x 30 (days)
= 450 times
Total # of job executions
900 times
Recommended to subscribe to
"Business" plan

Recommended use

  1. ASetup schedule + EC2 : Create AMI
  1. BSQS execution + EC2 : Copy AMI across regions

Case 3 Operating 50 x EC2 Instances and 5 x DB instances by using 3 x AWS accounts, but back-up and DR preparation are not organized. Also, operational rule in each AWS account is slightly different but I would like to operate using configured policy base.

A50 (EC2 instances) x 30 (days)
1,500 times
B5 (DB instances) x 30 (days)
150 times
C50 (AMI) x 30 (days)
1,500 times
D5 (DB Snapshots) x 30 (days)
150 times
E10 (policies) x 3 (AWS accounts)

*charges based on config review pricing

Total # of job executions
3,300 times
Recommended to subscribe to
"Enterprise" plan

Recommended use

  1. ASetup schedule + EC2 : Create AMI
  2. BSetup schedule + RDS : Create DB snapshot
  1. CSQS execution + EC2 : Copy AMI across regions
  2. DSQS execution + RDS : Copy DB snapshot across regions
Operation policy
  1. EUse Config review
Question/request for implementation