Development Roadmap
To provide useful and easy-to-use tool, we will continously work on adding more functionality and improving features.
Our development roadmap is as follows.
To provide useful and easy-to-use tool, we will continously work on adding more functionality and improving features.
Our development roadmap is as follows.
*Please note that the order of release may change accordingly.
Allows adding any labels to trigger jobs.
You will be able to list the execution schedules of multiple jobs in a calendar-like view
The new action can create NAT Gateway
The new action can delete NAT Gateway
The new action can backup RDS DB instance using AWS Backup
Tag specification allows AMIs to be copied between regions for an optional number of generations
The new action can backup EFS file system using AWS Backup
The new action can backup EC2 instances using AWS Backup
The new action can delete old EBS Snapshots
Improved usability of changing the order of jobs and triggers in job workflows
You're able to set the start date and time, and then download execution logs
The new action can delete AMI with specified condition
The new action can delete DB Snapshot with specified condition
The new action can backup DynamoDB table using AWS Backup
You can set multiple tags for EBS snapshots created by Cloud Automator
You can set multiple tags for EBS snapshots created by Cloud Automator
The new action can backup S3 bucket using AWS Backup
Allows you to stop all EC2 instances in all regions for multiple AWS accounts in a single job
The new action can Run ECS task
The new action can Stop ECS task
The new action can start VM instance
The new action can stop VM instance
The new action can invoke AWS Lambda function
The new action can create machine images from Google Compute Engine VM instances
The new action can create backups for Amazon FSx
The new action can copy RDS(Aurora) cluster snapshot to another region
The new action can rebuild WorkSpace
Allow On demand triggers to run jobs at any time, instead of immediately after job creation.
Timer trigger supports monthly repeated day of week such as "3rd friday every month"
The new action can change RDS(Aurora) instance class
The new action can change RDS instance class
"Status check" can be used for completion status of the job
For some actions, the value of the Name tag of the targeted EC2 instance in the job log will be displayed
For the error messages displayed when the job fails, the method of handling the problems are displayed as hints in an easy-to-understand manner
In the Timer trigger settings, it allows to specify a skip date when the job will not be executed
Allow to narrow down the job execution log by more detailed conditions
Improve Group management and AWS account settings related feature
Improve operability of the job list view
At continuous job execution, we added the action to delay subsequent job by specifying the delay time.
The new action that can reboot WorkSpaces.
Register EC2 instances to target group
Check EBS volume backup status
It allows you to specify continuous execution of multiple jobs, such as executing another job after a job execution.
The EC2 instance tag will be automatically taken over
In this action, the status of the execution result can be checked.
The new action that can start WorkSpaces.
The new trigger that allows you to flexibly specify job execution date and time has been added, and it flexibly cope with irregular schedules.
The new action that can reboot DB Instances.
*Please note that the order of release may change accordingly.
Add Stop/start action for Amazon Aurora
Made improvement to existing SQS trigger
You can select Osaka region for following actions
For timer trigger jobs, we added function to allow user to execute scheduled jobs on-demand.
By supporting AWS authentication information based on IAM role, it will strengthen the security.
At AMI creation action, it provides a selection option when the generation management is not necessary for created AMI.
Enables to select the time zone
With the "Create AMI" action, multiple tags can be assigned to the AMI image
It enables to check the command execution status by this action
Enable to download variety of log data at monthly unit basis